Developmental Milestones Chart : 9 Months
Gross Motor Skills
Sits with a straight back
Pulls to stand
Stands with support
🚩 Unable to sit without support
Fine Motor Skills
Able to pick up objects with thumb and index finger, although skill is not fully developed
Use finger pads, arm needs to be supported on table/surface
Able to hit 2 cubes together, 1 cube held in each hand
🚩 Does not transfer objects from one hand to another
Hearing/Speech and Language
Receptive Ability:
Understands 'no' and 'bye'
Expressive Ability:
Says 'mama' and 'dada' non-specifically (e.g. calling anyone 'mama' or 'dada', even uncles or aunties)
Socio-Emotional Skills
Waves goodbye
Claps hands
Plays peek-a-boo
🚩 No response to name